A downloadable tabletop RPG dungeon

The original name of this oozing, dripping mazeof stone has been long forgotten - it is knownonly as the Sunken Swamp Temple. Murky and odorous, every inch of this decrepit lair is slimy with moss. An evil stench rides the mists that seep constantly from its fetid ponds.

The Sunken Swamp Temple is a standalone dungeon/adventure design for Fellipe da Silva's Legend of the Forgotten Ballad TTRPG system. The dungeon is inspired by the layout and puzzle-based structure found in many Triforce-based video games. Descriptions and system are purposefully rules-light, in keeping with the flavor of the Forgotten Ballad system. 

Not every system is airtight - a maze of invisible walls, which might work smoothly in a video game, but needs some thought and implementation to work in a ttrpg. Exploration and experimentation are encouraged.

I've turned off tips - you should really go support Fellipe and his amazing work and art.

Sunken Swamp Template is an independent production by Jeff Glass and is not affiliated with Fellipe da Silva @cueinn. It is published in good faith and fun under the CCBY-SA license.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
Tagsdungeon, pamphlet, Tabletop role-playing game, zelda


TheSunkenSwampTemple.pdf 262 kB

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